Accademia di Belle Arti Ravenna

As of 1 January 2023 (Ministry of University and Research Act no. 1176 of 14 October 2022) the Ravenna Academy of Fine Arts is a public state body, therefore its new name is the Ravenna State Academy of Fine Arts.
The educational offer consists of:
1st Level Course in Visual Arts and Mosaics (three-year BA).
1st Level Course in New Technologies of Art (three-year BA).
2nd Level Course in Decoration and Mosaics (two-year MA).
The Academy aims to develop artistic skills and qualified professionalism which, while starting from the study of mosaic, historical heritage of the city of Ravenna, interweaves the pluralism of multiple artistic languages: from painting to decoration, from photography to digital applications and from jewellery design to the experimentation of new expressive, contemporary and multimedia methodologies.
The academy has four main objectives:
to organise and manage the teaching activities in order for students to obtain their qualifications;
to contribute to the protection and enhancement of artistic, historical and cultural heritage;
to collaborate with public institutions for the promotion and development of art and culture;
to promote and disseminate knowledge and study of the arts and the historical and artistic culture of Ravenna and its territory.
Gunied Baher, Giuseppe Boschi, Mauro Fasolato, Roberta Maioli, Shani Militello, Ksenia Samokhina, Annalisa Testi, Sara Vasini, Sara Bombonati, Daniela Iurato, Giona Collinelli, Daniele Tamburro, Isotta Folli, Martina Zani, Deborah Gaetta, Claudia Gobbo, Andrea Veronica Gonzalez, Emanuele Matronola, Jing Liu, Zahra Baensaf Oroumieh, Sara Alberani, Maria Grazia Brunelli, Roshanak Payrovi, Dehghani Parisa, Anna Agati, Eleonora Capobianco, Manuela Flamini, Jennifer Lagorio, Marina Trancossi, Sofia Bombonati, Maria Chiara Cartone, Andrea Mandalari , Yuyu Zhao, Sahar Bahranisirjani, Andrea Buscaroli, Rebecca Fornaciari, Anna Koval, Yana Martasinkevich, Caterina Parisi, Andrea Pola, Sahar Bahranisirjani, Andrea Buscaroli, Rebecca Fornaciari, Anna Koval, Yana Martasinkevich, Caterina Parisi, Andrea Pola, Nicoletta Ascani, Sara Casalboni, Marika Dall’Omo, Alessandra Landini.
Emanuela Bergonzoni