ISIA Pescara

ISIA, Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche Pescara, is a public university-level institute belonging to the AFAM (Alta Formazione Artistica, Musicale e Coreutica) sector of the MUR (Ministry of University and Research).
It operates in the educational sectors of design, communication and multimedia using an educational methodology based on limited student access, the quality and completeness of the curriculum and the professionalism and motivation of the teaching staff.
The ISIA in Pescara was established as a decentralised course of the ISIA in Rome in 2009, thanks to the support of the Pescarabruzzo Foundation.
The methodology that guides the ISIA of Pescara, inherited from the over forty years of training experience of the ISIA of Rome, is based on the presence of a team of teachers, chosen from among the best professionals in the area, and a small number of students.
This favourable numerical ratio makes it possible to train in the three-year first-level course in product and communication design and, subsequently, in the two-year specialised course in product and multimedia communication design young professionals capable of working in the most current and developed sectors of design, communication and multimedia.
It operates in the educational sectors of design, communication and multimedia using an educational methodology based on limited student access, the quality and completeness of the curriculum and the professionalism and motivation of the teaching staff.
The ISIA in Pescara was established as a decentralised course of the ISIA in Rome in 2009, thanks to the support of the Pescarabruzzo Foundation.
The methodology that guides the ISIA of Pescara, inherited from the over forty years of training experience of the ISIA of Rome, is based on the presence of a team of teachers, chosen from among the best professionals in the area, and a small number of students.
This favourable numerical ratio makes it possible to train in the three-year first-level course in product and communication design and, subsequently, in the two-year specialised course in product and multimedia communication design young professionals capable of working in the most current and developed sectors of design, communication and multimedia.
Anastasia Livorni, Alessandro Abbondanza, Daniele Furia, Sabrina De Biasi, Alberto Battistone, Matteo Dossi
Massacci Vanessa, Monica Alegiani