Integrated Furnishing Systems, Services & Communication, Operational Packaging

Climate pressure Reasearch project


The jury:

"Il progetto, frutto di un lavoro collettivo, si presenta come una somma di idee progettuali affrontate a vario titolo e con diversi punti di vista. Ciò nonostante il filo conduttore delle poetiche proposte rimanda alle utopie di Rudovsky, reinterpretando in chiave contemporanea esigenze climatiche sempre più urgenti."

It all started during a conference by Stefano Mancuso who was being ironic on the fact that if the trees were called “self-generating column ad variable height for the absorption of carbon dioxide” perhaps they could be taken seriously in this product company. The idea is precisely that of transforming some of his communicative intuitions into PRO_DOTTI, finding in the splitting of the word (Pro = in favor of, and Dotto = connection channel) the right inspiration to guide the workshop participants towards ethical and conscious design giving life to an ideational process that is capable of starting from plants to solve today’s problems that have to do with the environment in which we live and which hosts us. The short circuit existing between a natural element made entirely of the same one biodegradable material without any human input and the product that instead it pays the price of being imagined, assembled, distributed within the anthropized world, will have to be exploited for comparison planning. The aim of the workshop is in fact to create a synergy between notions of plant inspiration and creativity. Our Product Design school is set inside the Academy of Fine Arts, consequently it is located in the opportunity to consider the “product” from various points of view which they can also cancel out its physical-material presence. Our design thinking must embrace the theme at 360° and imagine that Product can transversally convey the idea that Nature and plants they are our heritage to be able to look to the future. If conceiving the natural element as a purchasable and desirable object riding the formal and visual language to which we are accustomed led to a greater awareness towards nature, then we would have hit the mark the target. We product designers will try to distill the essence of the Product, without build it (it already exists!), we will imagine systems and relationships that will make it work the most efficient natural element, capable of fitting into the domestic environment, capable of handling different situations. Not just packaging, but integrated systems, new ways of considering the element natural learning from Nature itself. All materials used for drawings, models, photographic prints will come from industrial waste, in an attempt to lower the environmental impact of the workshop. What can we learn from trees? And how can we put in practice the teachings received? This is what we aim to analyze with the PRO-DOTTO workshop, organized by the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, in collaboration with S.e.s.a., Società Estense Servizi Ambientali, which will involve the botanist Stefano Mancuso and which will be held in Este next year spring. Workshop where botany, creativity and energy will meet, to give life to an ideational process capable of responding to problems today that have to do with the environment in which we live and that we hosts. These days will be fertile ground for the third year students of the Product Design course at the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna, coordinated by Professor Chiara Cibin, who will have the opportunity to talk and learn from Stefano Mancuso how plants can help us solve a multitude of problems by getting inspired mainly to how they themselves solve problems every day. Such connubio will be staged in Este, where S.e.s.a. has been dealing with for years these issues, always giving new life to waste, developing resources renewables and alternative energies. The workshop will also be accompanied from a series of conferences involving personalities from prominent on the macro-theme of sustainability. What you want to create with the PRO-DOTTO workshop (Pro = in favor of, and Dotto = channel of connection) is a channel of connection between what the nature, through research and scientific studies developed in the field of botany, and what we can do. And this is exactly it provocation that will be launched to the students: the creation of PRO-DUCTS capable of embracing the work of plants and drawing benefits from them teachings necessary for the creation of objects useful to us e to the environment. To better understand these concepts, Stefano Mancuso will take to the field, botanist and essayist, among the most authoritative scientists in his field world-class, founder and director of the LINV, Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology, where he has been studying the intelligence of plants for years. “Sometimes I think if we called trees ‘high columns efficiency by absorption of carbon dioxide’ we would have suffered many more money to use for reforestation”. The starting idea of ​​the workshop is inspired by one of the main ones activity of trees, i.e. their absorption capacity polluting molecules, such as carbon dioxide, purify I give the air like this. In fact, project themes have been identified that will see the hypothesis of tools that act on air quality, products self-regenerating, organic machines powered by water and energy solar, etc. These projects meet the increasingly pressing challenge of design contemporary, to produce while minimizing environmental impact, a starting from the materials used, to the technologies used for the production, up to the distribution chain: parameters, this, that meet the virtuous models pursued for years by S.e.s.a., where the circular economy becomes the cornerstone around which to operate, searching also in this case a connection channel, “from earth to earth”.

The project’s goal: What is our goal? Avoid overheating of homes and the planet. As? Planting as many trees as possible and bringing the green element inside our homes. Plants are the best tools for transforming CO2 into oxygen, e.g with their presence they lower global warming There are more or more plant species. less efficient. Transforming a natural element into a desirable product. We ride the theme of the Product to widely distribute trees.




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