
Luca Santarelli
Lorenzo Ceccotti, Mauro Palatucci
Today in this state of emergency we need new stories, stories capable of telling other stories.
New legends that, as Donna Haraway calls them, are named SF: Science Fact, Science Fiction, Speculative Fabula, Speculative Feminism; facts and fables need each other to change the world.
This vision finds its design counterpart in speculative design works that aim to create a space to experiment not with things as they are now but with new possibilities.
By combining these two fields, the thesis creates a tool capable of making imagining new future possibilities an everyday act of building new worlds and ways of living on the planet.
Impredict is an open-ended work that sets the imagination in motion with the goal of delving into unknown scenarios. A speculative game about complex systems that puts players in the position of imagining new histories and relational possibilities between actors in the world.
A creator of futures that systematizes animals, viruses, humans, fungi, bacteria, plants, tools and processes both chemical and physical.
The game puts participants in the shoes of different actors with the aim of inventing articles for a future newspaper. Developing between digital and physical, it connects the articles to each other, thus breaking out of standardized narratives, and mapping new connections and relational possibilities capable of creating SF.
New legends that, as Donna Haraway calls them, are named SF: Science Fact, Science Fiction, Speculative Fabula, Speculative Feminism; facts and fables need each other to change the world.
This vision finds its design counterpart in speculative design works that aim to create a space to experiment not with things as they are now but with new possibilities.
By combining these two fields, the thesis creates a tool capable of making imagining new future possibilities an everyday act of building new worlds and ways of living on the planet.
Impredict is an open-ended work that sets the imagination in motion with the goal of delving into unknown scenarios. A speculative game about complex systems that puts players in the position of imagining new histories and relational possibilities between actors in the world.
A creator of futures that systematizes animals, viruses, humans, fungi, bacteria, plants, tools and processes both chemical and physical.
The game puts participants in the shoes of different actors with the aim of inventing articles for a future newspaper. Developing between digital and physical, it connects the articles to each other, thus breaking out of standardized narratives, and mapping new connections and relational possibilities capable of creating SF.