Le Typofiabe

Valeria Aceti, Audrey Abigail Atienza, Mario Buccolo, Giulia Campanozzi, Elena Caponera, Valerio Carta, Costanza Chen, Margherita Castelmare, Tommaso Costa, Greta D’antoni, Francesco Giovannoli, Chimaine El Amine, Laura Ferragonio, Francesca Forgione, Matteo Francescon, Olivia Gaone, Giulia Giordani, Giuseppe De Meo, Carlos Mirko Huerto Rosales, Andrea Iannarelli, Micaela Pia Lavecchia, Lucrezia Landi, Valentina Mandara, Bianca Marinotti, Angela Martina Alessia Mastrolonardo, Luca Merlini, Jennifer Mollo, Gabriele Nassuato, Giorgia Natale, Alessia Ottaiano, Valerio Paciello, Giulia Paladini, Davide Paolini, Luca Parmigiani, Julian Piscitello, Ginevra Portesi, Ludovica Salandrino, Marco Saolini, Aurora Scerra, Stefano Stirpe, Maria Talia, Chiara Tamburrini, Michela Tarulli, Alessandro Zingone
Guido Lombardo, Davide Luccini
The research project, carried out in collaboration with the San Lorenzo-based artist collective Numero Cromatico, consists of a limited edition of a selection of 23 excerpts (1923-2023: a symbolic number referring to the writer’s year of birth) from Italo Calvino’s 1956 collection of Fiabe Italiane (Italian Tales).
Fairy tales are reinterpreted and reworked through the exclusive use of typography, so as to present a verbal-visual structure that crosses the stereotypical and illusory boundary between word and image.
The syntactic-typographical management and composition of texts aims to realize sensory effects that enhance the narrative by reconnecting with the originally oral expressiveness and matrix.
The book, a choral project created by 44 students, is printed through environmentally friendly risograph technology, in two colors (orange and green).
Each group of students produced a sixteenth (pseudo-A5 format) of one of the fairy tales in the volume.
C-A-S-T foundry typefaces were used exclusively.
The book was produced thanks to Tipografare Typography and the San Lorenzo Bookbindery, both in Rome.